This brief article outlines how to write an effective design brief that will help us and you.
- What is the project’s overall aim?
- What do you need to communicate, and why?
- How do you differ from your competition?
- Do you have any old material that you wish to refresh, or move away from?
What is your target audience?
Think about the demographic of your audience – their age, gender, income, tastes, views, lifestyle etc.
What copy (text) and images are required?
The content of your material is crucial to the ideas/suggestions that come out of the design process. If you don’t have any content or need some writing, please ask us at SM1 to be introduced to one of our copywriters. Also, think about what images you need. We can supply licensed images, or perhaps you have some of your own that you can use.
What are the specifications?
Do you have any ideas on the size/shape of your design? Will you be using SM1 for printing, or will we need to send the design elsewhere? Is there anything else specific to your design that we need to be aware of?
Ideas and benchmarks
What can be helpful are ideas/benchmarks of some designs that you either admire or are from your competitor. This can help steer the designer to create something that you have already started to visualise. Also think about designs/or elements that you wouldn’t like to see, to avoid any disappointment.
Budget parameters
If you have an idea on a budget, it is very useful to know, as it prevents the designer from creating a design that simply won’t be able to be produced.
Deadline and/or timescale
To meet your expectations, it is advisable to state a schedule of the project and a realistic time for the completion of the work.
Sales tool
According to recent studies, a large majority of people tend to look for videos rather than text content for information. Using video sales tools provides a more convenient way to learn rather than reading tons of text crammed in a single page.
Event presentation
Most of us have been to events where presentations have been unreadable slide after slide, so make yours different to keep your audience engaged and awake! It can then be repurposed (pre and post) for promotional and data capture opportunities.
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