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In the midst of reports declaring the decline of the high street, we can’t help but feel incredibly fortunate to announce that our Print Studio in Sutton has been thriving for over 35 fantastic years and this is mostly because of our many Print Partnerships with people like you!

Why do we consider ourselves so lucky? It’s not just about surviving; it’s about thriving and building meaningful connections with incredible customers like you. We’ve become a design and print knowledge hub, and, most importantly, an integral part of our vibrant local community. In a world where nearly everything is just a click away, we believe there’s immense value in preserving the essence of personalised, face-to-face service.

Here’s why choosing a print studio like ours can be a game-changer for you:

1. A Print Partnership that Rocks!

Sure, we might be a bit biased, but finding a print partner who’s not just knowledgeable but a downright expert in print technology and finishing options is crucial. In the age of digital transactions, having the ability to meet with your printer in person can make all the difference. It’s not just about getting the job done; it’s about getting it done right!

Pro tips for finding your print soulmate:

  • Ask friends or colleagues for recommendations and drop names when you contact a printer.
  • Be transparent about your experience, and don’t hesitate to seek guidance if it’s your first print job.
  • Embrace the opportunity to learn from your printer—trust us; they’re eager to share tips and templates.
  • Be prepared to answer questions; a good printer wants to understand your project inside out.

Man working in print production studio

2. Curiosity Never Hurt Anyone – Ask Away!

Questions are the gateway to print enlightenment! Ask your printer about the entire lifecycle of a print job and the associated costs. The more you know, the smoother the process.

3. Decoding the World of Paper

With a plethora of paper products out there, it’s easy to get lost in the options. But fear not! Learning about paper is an ongoing adventure. During your tour with your printer, dive into the differences between textured, matt, and silk materials. And if you ask nicely, they might just throw in a couple of swatch books for your reference.

Colourful paper sheets

4. The Magic of Print Specifications

Ever wondered what the secret sauce is for a seamless print job? It’s all in the print specs! When providing details to your printer, cover everything from the job description to the final delivery information. The more information you give, the smoother the journey from start to finish.

5. Budgeting Like a Pro

Let’s face it—printing isn’t always a budget-friendly affair. But fear not! A stellar printer can guide you on alternatives to reduce costs. When requesting an estimate, be sure to provide detailed print specs. And remember, printing in higher quantities often means better price breaks.

Bonus Tips for Print Perfection:

  • Accept that perfection is a myth; minor flaws are part of the beauty of print.
  • Master the differences between digital, offset, and letterpress printing.
  • Learn the art of setting up print files; your printer is your best tutorial guide.
  • For those extra special jobs, request to be present for a press check.
  • Allow a reasonable timeframe for completion; good things take time.

Got more burning questions about print? Get in touch with us, we will be happy to discuss.